The Significance of "Team"

The Significance of "Team"

This week, Tiffany Roth discusses team dynamics in golf and corporate settings, highlighting collaboration, support, and healthy competition as key drivers for collective success.

Embracing Team Dynamics in Golf

The concept of "team" in golf may initially appear contradictory, yet I owe much of my progress to the teammates who have consistently pushed, motivated, and revealed abilities within me that I wouldn’t have fully recognized on my own. This paradox can also illustrate how golf and the corporate world intersect, especially for women looking to build and lead teams while understanding the significance of teamwork. 

Any team dynamic is fascinating because, like athletes with an inner competitive nature, we must learn to tame the inner drive for superiority and instead focus on personal growth. This applies whether we’re competing for a spot, a job, or a position on a team. In the most competitive and elite environments, what I’ve noticed is coaches, teams, and leaders have the following themes in common:

  1. Success for One, Success for All: The success of one individual reflects positively on the entire team. Celebrating individual achievements fosters a culture of support and encouragement.

  2. Elevate Performance through Healthy Competition: Embracing healthy competition inspires continuous improvement among team members. By challenging ourselves and each other, we raise the overall standard of performance for the team.
  3. Mutual Growth through Collaboration: Just as iron sharpens iron, team members can support each other's growth and development through mutual support and challenge.

The Importance of Team Dynamics

In my corporate experience, the greatest successes have come from working with incredible teams. These teams support each other through struggles, surprises, triumphs, and successes. We've likely all encountered the phrase "being a team player" before, but what does it truly entail?

Being a team player involves grasping that your attitude and contributions play into a larger picture. It allows you the opportunity to decide whether to embrace your role with a collective endeavor and acknowledge the ripple effect of your actions on those around you.

It also requires an individual to remain confident and secure in their own abilities,  understanding that each person has valuable contributions to offer, and that there are ample opportunities for everyone to excel.

Golf as a Corporate Team-Building Tool

More recently, in my casual golfing days, I've discovered that playing with friends or colleagues becomes more engaging for everyone when there's a larger objective in mind. These occasions frequently feature a variety of players with diverse skill levels, fostering healthy competition and emphasizing the significance of teamwork. Here are some common golf "games" (and typical event-style formats that one may encounter) to enhance the experience for everyone and help level the playing field:


To play a scramble, each player on the team hits a tee shot. The team then chooses the best shot and everyone hits their next shot from that spot. This process is repeated for each subsequent shot until the ball is holed, ensuring the team uses the best shot (or most preferred!) each time.


To play Bingo Bango Bongo, each player is aiming to compete for 3 points per hole. “Bingo” being the first to get their ball on the green (1 point), “Bango” for being closest to the pin once all balls are on the green (1 point), and “Bongo” for being the first one in the hole (1 point). This is my personal favorite to play amongst a small group because it rewards different aspects of the game, not just lowest score or years of experience.


To play alternate shot, teammates take turns hitting the same ball. One player hits the tee shot, the next player hits the second shot from where the ball lies, and this alternation continues until the ball is holed.


To play best ball, each player on the team plays their own ball throughout the hole. After each hole, the lowest score among the team members is recorded as the team’s score for that hole. This format allows everyone to play their own game while contributing to the team's overall performance.

Final Thoughts

As we participate in corporate outings or enjoy leisurely rounds of golf, it's important to recognize that we can bring back valuable insights to our corporate teams, bridging the gap for women’s involvement in both spheres. Ultimately, fostering a culture of support, competition, and collective success.



Tiffany Roth

Connect on LinkedIn to learn more about navigating golf in the corporate world.